Welcome to the Wright's Blog

We are new to this and we have just got this up and going so please stick with us as we get our information on here. Thanks for checking it out and hope you come back to see what we are up to.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Final Week!

We are now on our last week in the US for the next 2 years. We have started packing and going through our things trying to figure out what makes the move and what will be left behind. Even crazier than this is that we are now renting a house in Windhoek, that means we are renting an apartment on the other side of the world. We have never seen it but David & Sandy walked through it with us on the phone. This is so exciting because from what we had heard it would take us at lease a month of being there and searching before we would find anything at all that would even be close to what we need. So we are excited that God is setting things up even before we get there. How exciting that God would listen to our prayers and answer then so specifically. Praise the Lord. So now our Big prayer is to find the perfect vehicle that would be in our price range and that would almost be parked on our doorstep. God has prepared so many things for us I know that He can do this too. It is amazing to know that so many of you and people all over the US are praying and believe me it is working. God has answered so many of these prayers. Another thing we have prayed for is that Sammie would continue to grow and be healthy. We just went to the Dr's office for a wellness check up and they said that she is doing great. So now we really are about ready. We just need to pack up a few bags and hit the road. Thank you for all of your prayers and the support that you are to us. We are very encouraged by all of you. Thank you.

Monday, June 21, 2010


WE BOUGHT TICKETS!!!! We are very excited to say that we now have tickets. It is nice to know that we are for sure going and now that we have a day to tell people that we will be leaving for Namibia. You may be wondering what day that would be, we will be leaving on July 6th. We fly out of Denver and go to London and then down to Cape Town and then a quick jump up to Windhoek Namibia. Windhoek is where we will call home for a while. Our teammates (David & Sandy Echols) have been in Namibia for about a month now and in Africa for about 2 months. We are excited to be reunited with them and to start the work that we have been working toward for so long. It will be hard to leave our family and friends behind but there is no greater joy than to be doing that work that God has set out for you. Please be praying for our travels and especially for Sammie that she will travel well and that we can get there with no problems. Thank you for all your support and prayers. Thank You.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


Wow, It seriously feels like we have been put through the ringer. It has been crazy. I know the last post said that we were "Busy, Busy, Busy!" But seriously it has only been even more crazy. We have been all around Nebraska, Colorado, Kansas, Missouri, Illinois and now to head back the other direction after this Sunday. Last week we were at Lakeview Church Camp by Stockton KS. We had a great time with all the 4th Graders that were there and also the faculty. It was a great time to see kids growing UP in Christ. (The theme of the camp was UP, like the Movie.) So to end camp up they made a church out of Cardboard and tied balloons on to it and let it go. It was a very encouraging time. Then we had the opportunity to go back to visit Rocky Fork Fellowship in Hallsville. Then we headed up the road a bit and saw Tenth Avenue North while visiting more friends while in the area. We are now in La Harpe IL where we are doing a week of VBS as the missionaries here. This church is always encouraging to us and it is such a blessing to be part of the work that they are doing. Sorry it has been so long since the last post on here but we will really try to be more regular with it.