Welcome to the Wright's Blog

We are new to this and we have just got this up and going so please stick with us as we get our information on here. Thanks for checking it out and hope you come back to see what we are up to.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Catch up!!!

So sorry this is way over due. So we have a lot of catching up to do. This will be a little pieces of a lot of stuff that has gone on since the last time. The reason that we haven't posted very often is because internet isn't as easy to come by here. It is expensive and so we wake up between 1am and 5am to use the free internet time. So that is why I am up doing this right now.
It is now getting into summer here and it is getting hot. Just last week it actually rained for the first time since we have been here.
Also there is meningitis going around Katutura so we have been concerned about that for a while but i guess it was going around since June. So I (Adam) got the shot for it and we are just being cautious.
We are doing a choir with Grade 1 & 2. It has been interesting teaching them and we are teaching them Christmas songs for our Christmas program. We are very excited for it and are having a good time working with them.
We are so thankful for all the support that we have been getting from you and the prayers that you are offering up for us. We can so happy that you are part of our team.
More post will be coming so please be patient with us and we will try to update this a bit more often but we will be letting you know what else is going on.


  1. Love your blog. You should be getting mail from Rocky Fork members soon. Mark mentioned your work last Sunday during announcements. I was pleased and told him so. It is Missions Week at Central. Ben Wellsands is main speaker. He is great. Going to chapel tomorrow. Don

  2. Hi Adam, Sara and Sammy: Just wanted to say hi and thank you for the gifts delivered by your Mom in memory of Nick, thanks for thinking about us. Now that I have found this blog, I will be checking on you there in Africa and keeping you close in thought and prayer. Keep up the great work for the Lord.
    God Bless Your Family,
    Andy, Lori and Kelsey
